Owner | Hydromax Energy Ltd. |
Project | New Hydroelectric Development |
Location | Northeast of Sechelt, British Columbia |
Size | 22 MW, $70 Million |
Head and Flow | 190 m & 8 m3/s, 100 m & 14.2 m3/s |
Role | Project Management, Construction and Engineering |
The Clowhom Hydro Project consists of two 11 MW run-of-river hydro plants on the Clowhom River northeast of Sechelt, British Columbia and 28 km of new 138 kV transmission line to connect the facilities to the BC power grid. Each of the upper and lower Clowhom plants consist of an intake and weir to divert the flow into a penstock pipe which conveys the water to the powerhouse. The 1900 metre long upper plant penstock is mostly 1.5 metre diameter ductile iron pipe and the Lower Plant penstock is 2.1 metre diameter contiguous welded pipe, 1200 metre long. Power generated at 13.8 kV is stepped up to 138 kV at the substations adjacent to each powerhouse and then transmitted to the point of interconnection at the existing BC Hydro Hydro Station at the head of Salmon Inlet.
Key features include:
- All access by air or water, all materials and equipment barged to site.
- Multiple drop, stepped weir design at the upper intake constructed of sheet piles and rip-rap.
- Lower penstock includes a 29 metre span aerial crossing of the Clowhom River.
- 5 metre high by 190 metre long rockfall protection fence designed, manufactured in Austria, and installed above the lower plant intake in only 4 months (largest fence in Canada at completion).
- Intermediate substation required to connect another two hydro developments at Bear Creek and consequent joint construction of the last 6 km of transmission line for interconnection of the four hydro plants.