Canadian Projects


DAM SAFETY and Water Management

CPL carries out comprehensive dam safety reviews and audits, preparation of Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPP) and Operations, Maintenance and Inspection (OMS) Manuals. Staff are members of the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) and are familiar with the CDA Dam Safety Guidelines as well as Provincial Guidelines having carried out numerous dam safety reviews in most provinces in Canada. The reviews include classification of dams, site inspections, site investigations, monitoring, hydrology and hydraulic studies and assessments, stability analyses and Dam Safety Review (DSR) report preparation.

Water management planning is carried out taking into account the environmental, social and economic well-being of the people through the sustainable development of waterpower resources and to manage these resources in an ecologically sustainable way. This is achieved through the management of water levels and flows as they are affected by the operations of waterpower facilities and associated water control structures. CPL prepares Water Management Plans (WMP) as part of the permitting and design of waterpower facilities. We also have significant experience in preparing Master Drainage Plans for unique developments.