Canadian Projects


Oldman 2 wind project

Owner Mainstream Renewable Power / Alberta Wind Energy Corporation
Project New Wind Project in Southern Alberta
Location 10 km Northwest of Pincher Creek, Alberta
Size 46 MW
Turbines 20 Siemens 2.3 MW, 90 m hub height
Role Project Management Support, Construction Supervision / Inspection

In 2009, Mainstream Renewable Power formed a joint venture with Alberta Wind Energy Corporation to construct Phase 2 of the Oldman Wind Development. The 46 MW Oldman Phase 2 project was constructed on 648 hectares of private farmland under a long term lease. Construction began in early 2013 and was commercially operational in 2014, where upon COD  ownership of the project moved to IKEA. Mainstream Renewable Power continues to provide O&M for the project.

Phase 1 of the 50 MW wind power development was completed in February 2007.

Key features include:

  • Largest wind farm owned by a Canadian retailer
  • 20 Siemens 2.3 MW turbines
  • New Windy Point substation
  • New 138 kV transmission line
  • Varying soil conditions required both raft and pile-supported foundations