Canadian Projects


Pingston Hydro project

Owner Canadian Hydro Developers (B.C.) Inc. / Great Lakes Power Limited
Project New Hydroelectric Plant
Location Near Revelstoke, BC
Capacity 45 MW
Head and Flow 590 metres & 9.5 m3/s

The high head Pingston Hydro Plant diverts flow from Pingston Creek through a mountain range down to Upper Arrow Lake. The conveyance system consists of a headworks weir and intake structure, a 3.6 km long tunnel followed by a 0.6 km long 1.5 metre diameter steel penstock. The powerhouse, located on Upper Arrow Lake, will house three horizontal pelton turbines to produce 45 MW of electricity. Produced power is conveyed to BC Hydro in Revelstoke via a new 66 km-138 kV transmission line.

Key Features:

  • Hanging Valley diversion project configuration
  • Intake channel used to by-pass flow for construction of the diversion weir
  • 12 metre high sheetpile rock fill dam
  • Run-of-river design with daily shaping in winter
  • Challenging 4.2 km tunnel and high pressure penstock design with complex geological features and associated stabilization support systems